Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tried and True Crispy Pizza

In our house, if you're a grown-up, Friday is pizza and movie night. It used to be frozen pizza, but since my love affair with Trader Joe's began, I've been using their pizza dough and play with different fun toppings each week. Sometimes its pepperoni deep dish, sometimes its pesto and veggie,and other times it chicken, gorgonzola, caramelized onions, and walnuts (you haven't lived until you've had crunchy walnuts on a crisp pizza). Anyway, no matter the toppings, I really like my crust thin and crispy...and the key is to prebake the crust before topping it. Here's the scoop:

-Roll out pizza dough (Pillsbury, TJ's, your own homemade dough)
-Brush with olive oil (can also sprinkle with chopped garlic or some italian seasong for umph)
-Bake at 400 degrees for 6 minutes.
-Remove from oven, top with your sauce, cheese, and toppings, return to oven for about 15 minutes.
-Once brown and crispy, let pizza sit for 5-10 minutes to firm up and become even more perfect.


alex said...

YUM! I've been a little afraid to try making pizza at home but you've convinced me to try it. With walnuts of course. Great tips on your blog! Thanks!!

El Pescador said...

Great food topic FM. I'm a seasoned home pizza guy and have a couple of tips to offer. I like purchasing dough balls from a local pizza shop which can save time and provide you with a fresher product than what is usually found in the grocery store. I also like to use the thin, inexpensive, perforated aluminum trays for my pies. They are simple to use, they allow good heat transfer and are easy to clean. Lastly, I crank my oven up to 525 degrees which I think helps give the dough a crispy on the outside, soft on the inside quality that is sometimes tricky to achieve at lower temps. Oh, and don't forget the wine!